Real Chemistry Internship Project
We proposed a comprehensive campaign to the Black Coalition Against COVID to promote the COVID-19 vaccine and mitigate vaccine hesitancy among the black community
Social Media Release
Sephora's Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Aaron Huang, announced that Sephora will be sponsoring an online event on April 10, 2020 where over 5,000 employees will holding Classes for Confidence.
A short biography on Sephora's Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Aaron Huang.
News Article
A new "generation" of greek life members gives the opportunity for change in the community.
Feature Story
American poet, Bruce Smith, discusses his origins and his rise to fame.
Fact Sheet
A fictional fact sheet for Sephora
Talking Points
A list of talking points for a speech at a Sephora event
News Release
Aaron Huang is hired as Sephora's chief diversity and inclusion officer
Sephora's CEO addresses his employees on the impact of COVID-19
Diversity Presentation
A presentation on Sephora's most recent diversity initiative–We Belong To Something Beautiful
A fact-driven opinion piece discussing the political climate of the 2020 election
A bird's eye view of the public relations industry
Best Practices in Change Management
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